Readi-Board foam board is great for sign-making, projects, art, matting, photo framing, and other creative crafts. The kraft paper we use is chosen specifically to work well with crayons, chalks, pastels, markers, and adhesives to fit your needs. Our Readi-Board Foam Board is available in 20″ x 30″ boards in a variety of colors and count sizes.

Available count sizes
50 count
25 count
12 count
10 count
Readi-Board Premium
Readi-Board Premium is an upscale line of foam board that uses more foam to create a thicker, sturdier, and even flatter foam board than our Readi-Board. What makes Readi-Board Premium unique is its sturdiness and the facer materials we use to coat the boards. Readi-Board Premium is available in all the colors of our Readi-Board line, as well as a thicker coated paper (white and black).

Display Board
Our presentation Boards are a perfect fit for any presentation project. From the board room to the classroom, Readi-Board display boards offer a sturdy, economical alternative to other presentation boards. Readi-Board display boards are great for science projects, graduation parties, anniversaries, and other special occasions. Matching header cards are sold separately.
Standard Tri-Fold size is 36” x 48” opened and 24” x 36” closed. Two side panels open to make the board self standing and they close for easy storage and protection to the inside content.

We also offer a Quad-Fold presentation board. The additional hinges make transporting and storing this board easier when space is limited.

Specialty Board
Readi-Grid features a ½ inch gridded surface. Perfect for graphs, signs, and school projects. The specialty ink used on the grid makes the lines invisible at a distance.

Readi Water Resistant is created with kraft paper that has been specially coated to resist water. This board is perfect for outdoor signage and model or RC aircraft.

Lightweight and with a smooth, glossy surface. Readi-Erase is low-cost replacement for traditional dry-erase boards.