In this Test Tuesday we will be testing watercolor paints. As we did in our last edition, we will be working with Crayola brand. This week’s tests will be done using cold water to make a comparison to last week’s room temperature water. I will be referencing the previous article which can be read here.

The standard Readi-Board white sample worked well with the watercolor (using both water temperatures). The results are nearly identical to one another. The paints showed up well even on the black sample, although you can see a halo effect around the brush marks that used cold water. The same type of bleeding can be seen, more pronounced, on the red and blue Readi-Board sample.
The very slight bleeding on the white Adams Premium sample becomes more apparent when using cold water. The other color samples of Adams Premium foam board all had similar results regardless of water temperature. On the black Adams Premium sample, nearly all of the paint colors showed well except for the black. As on the red Readi-Board sample, warm colors did not show up well on the red Adams Premium.

Water temperature did not seem to affect how the paint behaved on the No Paper, Readi-Erase, Water Resistant and Readi-Grid samples. The dried paint could still be flaked off both the Water Resistant and the Readi-Erase. When scratching the surface of the No Paper sample some of the paint comes up, but more notably the foam is damaged exposing the white beneath the paint. The lines on the Readi-Grid paper seemed to resist the paint pigment in areas, causing the lines to appear lighter.